Reading time: 2 minutes
11 August 2021
Have you ever wondered where the name of your commune comes from ? Well, we'll try to answer that with a few hints. In this anecdote, we will discover Rousseloy, Maysel and Cramoisy !
RousseloyAlthough the name might suggest a run-off, it would seem that the origin of the commune's name is quite different.
According to a note from the very beginning of the 17thth century, the origin of this name dates back to 11th century thanks to a semantic breakdown. Its basis, "Ross" would in fact refer to the word "horse". in Germanic, a reminder that the Rousseloy area was once home to the remains of a relay stationat the crossroads of Roman roads.
A second hypothesis among this note reveals the possibility of a territory where there were many reedsA plant that thrives on limestone soils such as those found in Rousseloy.

Maysel, formerly known as Macellumhas its origins in Latin and Old French. "Macellum" meaning "slaughterhouse" in Latinthe Old French retained the form of "Maisel" to designate a house. butcher's shop. So it's a safe bet that Maysel was home to a meat market that left its mark on the town's history.

As for Cramoisyit comes from Gallo-Roman first name Cramisius to which is added the suffix "acum", meaning "the land of".literally "the Cramisius estate.
History may not have recorded his name, but the man clearly left his mark on the area, as the various names in the commune are all linked to him. From "Cramisiacus" in 859the village is evolving into "Cremoisy en la diocèse de Beauveiz" in 1273or "Kramoisi" at 14th century.