Reading time: 3 minutes
17 December 2021
ave you ever wondered where the name of your municipality comes from ? Well, we'll try to answer that with a few hints. In this anecdote, we will discover Villers-Saint-Paul, Montataire and Thiverny !
"Hoc est villam quae dicitur Villaris cum omnibus ad eandem villam pertinentibus et est sita supra Isaram fluvium in comitatu silvanectensi".
This Latin phrase is the oldest mention known to the commune, it appears in a diploma of Robert II the Pious, dated from the palace of Senlis on 6 January 1006. This is an area in which there are references to the " villa known as Villers located on the course of the river Oise in the county of Senlis.
The name of the municipality will undergo aumerous developmentsformerly known as Villaris in 1006, Vilera in 1161, Viliers in 1209, Villers-Sainct-Pol in the early 17th centuryIt was even renamed Villers-Paul under the Revolution. Villers" is derived from the Gallo-Romance villa, meaning "villa" in Old French. large rural estate.

The geographical location of Montatairewith a plateau overlooking the valley, at the confluence of the Oise and Thérain rivers, has made this site one of the most attractive in France. a strategic location.
That's right, Montataire is derived from the Latin "Mons ad theram". which means the mountain near Thérain" . The name of the town changed several times, evolving from "Mont a terre for its climbs (to the upper plateaus), then " Montataire ".
A municipality that bears in its name the rich historysince its development and the history of its industrialisation were made possible by thanks to the use of its riveron Thérain and its many water mills which enabled the Montataire forges, for example, to develop and prosper.

The origin of the name dates back to the time of the Gallo-Roman conquestsat 1er century BC. At the time, we were talking about "Thiberniacum: the "domain of Tiberinius.
At the time, it was quite common to find domain names inherited from a contraction of a name followed by the suffix "Acum. The same applies to the neighbouring town of CramoisyCramisiacum gradually evolving into Cramoisy.
Many municipalities will experience this development, the suffix "acum" evolving into the letter "y".. Spelling " Thiverny" will make its first appearance on a official document during the 18th centuryThis spelling was to coexist until the beginning of the 20th century with " Tiverny" without the letter "H" and abandoned in 1914.