Distance : 1,4 km
Duration (medium) : 00:17
Elevation gain : 5 D+

On foot

In a pushchair

Formerly located near an ancient priory that no longer exists, Le Prieuré de Montataire urban park is a former gravel pit that was redeveloped to uncover the sources of the River Thérain. It offers a peaceful 30-hectare setting to discover throughout the year, and is home to over 700 species of flora and fauna, both on land and in the water.
The walking route circles the pond. It is accessible to all, including people with motor, hearing or mental disabilities. The Le Prieuré urban park in Montataire has been awarded the Tourisme & Handicap label, guaranteeing its accessibility and the comfort of its facilities.
Start at the entrance to the park. Go straight ahead and then right to follow the level path around the pond.
